
Distinctive Gardens Since 1991

Turf and Groundcovers


Establishing a healthy, vibrant lawn in North Texas can be a full time job. Individual properties must be treated, as just that, an individual property. No two properties face the same challenge at exactly the same time. Property A may have large mature trees that provide much desired shade, however that shade may not allow the turf adequate sunlight, which can lead to poor growth, disease, and insect infestation. Property B may have very few trees; however the irrigation and drainage may be such that the turf receives too much or too little water. Property B may be struggling with Grub Worms, while Property A is plagued with Brown Patch.

At Texas Garden Services we employ a wide variety of methods to keep your Dallas lawn in optimal condition. Proper fertilization, weed and pest control, irrigation, and maintenance are all critical aspects in achieving a beautiful lawn. In addition to providing for all of these elements proactively, TGS will also evaluate your turf on a weekly basis to assess any developments that require immediate action. Whether you decide on St. Augustine, Bermuda, Zoysia, or an alternative form or turf for your property, Texas Garden Services can provide the maintenance, supervision, and expert diagnosis to give you a beautiful healthy lawn.

Groundcovers such as Asian Jasmine, Mondo Grass, and Liriope, play a very important role in the overall landscape. In areas where a turf cannot be sustained, groundcovers can be a texture to your landscape. Groundcovers give your property a finished and more "dressed" image. TGS has the knowledge and experience to advise our clients as to the best variety of Groundcover for their specific property, and to maintain the Groundcover for long term health and enjoyment. For examples of various Turf and Groundcovers, click on our gallery page and go to "Turf & Groundcovers."

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